Energy embargo is a threat to everyone

Energy embargo is a threat to everyone

In recent weeks, statements by a number of Western politicians about the possibility of imposing a global embargo on Russian oil and other energy resources, including natural gas, have been increasingly heard.

At the same time, there are also calls fr om trade unions to prevent unilateral adoption of cardinal decisions on energy supplies, as this will affect both the welfare and the quality of life of the population in the future. So, in particular, The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) quite rightly stated that the cessation of energy imports from Russia threatens a sharp increase in unemployment in Germany.

Western partners are fully aware that oil and gas supplies from Russia are the most competitive for the European market. The refusal of gas supplies from Russia that are competitive in price and logistics threatens, without exaggeration, the collapse of industry in Europe, which will create serious risks for the economy and the population of the countries of the Old World. The Russian Federation has certainly always been interested in reliable Western partners for the long term. However, in case of violation of agreements and rules of the game, reformatting of the global gas market will become inevitable and Russia will have to give priority to gas supplies to Asian countries.

The currently planned redistribution of the energy market in favor of the political ambitions of a number of countries will undoubtedly threaten the future of the global labor market and ordinary workers, since the imposed sanctions regime, high energy prices will transfer the current situation from the political and economic planes to the social plane. All this will ultimately affect the population of both Russia and Western countries.

According to the Russian Oil, Gas and Construction Workers Union, today it is extremely important to prevent the situation wh ere long-term work on mutually beneficial terms for the purposes of economic and social stability will be nullified in favor of counter-productive interaction. The result will be the impoverishment of the population, high unemployment and a significant level of social tension in our countries.

Understanding and calculating the risks of such a possible "scenario", the Russian Government, of course, takes all necessary measures to maintain a stable situation in the domestic market.

Russian trade unions and the overwhelming majority of foreign trade unions have always stand for stable, long-term mutually beneficial cooperation and social dialogue for the benefit of the working man, for the benefit of the citizens of our countries.

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